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/ Wayzata World Factbook 1994 / World Factbook - 1994 Edition - Wayzata Technology (1994).iso / pc / maps / korea__s.pct (.png) < prev    next >
Macintosh Picture Format  |  1994-04-20  |  48KB  |  640x479  |  8-bit (102 colors)
Labels: bag | map | mountain | poster | sky
OCR: @1994 Wayzata Technology Tnc Chix South Korea Noth RYAT 3ea of Korea. Bay Japan SEQUL songnam SI Chin inch 'on Uliung-do Taejon Selected Country Chongju Taegu Capital City Body of Water River wangju Pusan Mountains Desert Marsh East China Cheju-do Wavata Seaof SEOUL Ullung Taeior Kwangju Pusar